esp that the game is searching for, tried all of google) PA materials paints any … I have it and all it's dependencies installed and then found horizon. Hello world! And in doing so, will I lose any of those weapons that I have already acquired? Gernash 55 Gernash 55 Jarl Citizen 55 1,558 posts … Dunno where to get the straight. changed Shishkebab extra flames mod to fire damage. STRENGTH PERCEPTION 22 16 Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp PlasmaCarbine.esp 23 17 aaaPipeAKreplacer.esp mjp_PTRS41ATR.esp 24 18 N88.esp 25 19 AK2047.esp 26 1a Armorsmith Extended.esp 27 1b AKM_AKMS.esp 28 1c AKM_AKMS_NWPatch.esp 29 1d clothingoverhaul.esp 30 1e wd_huntingrifle.esp 31 1f OTs-02 Kiparis.esp MaxonsGloves-BlackCorset.esp -updated records to keep it inline with current AWKCR and VIS-G. Vis, Weaponsmith Extended, AWKCR, VIS, Weaponsmith Extended. Weaponsmith extended fo4 Showing 1-8 of 8 comments.