While transformed, increase your Maximum Health, Stamina, and Magicka by 1707. (1 item) Reduce the cost of your Transformation Ultimate abilities by 15%.

You lose a stack of Escalating Fete every 4 seconds you are out of combat. Each stack of Escalating Fete increases your Maximum Health, Stamina, and Magicka by 150. (1 item) Gain a persistent stack of Escalating Fete every 2 seconds you are in combat, up to 10 stacks max.

Removing Harpooner's Wading Kilt removes all stacks of Hunter's Focus. Taking direct damage removes 5 stack of Hunter's Focus, up to once per second. Each stack of Hunter's Focus increases your Critical Chance by 125 and your Critical Damage by 1%. You can only gain 1 stack of Hunter's Focus per second. (1 item) Dealing direct damage grants you a stack of Hunter's Focus for 1 minute, up to 10 stacks max. (1 item) Reduces your Block Mitigation to 0. (1 item) Whenever you cast a healing ability while in combat and your dominant resource is under 30%, gain 5 Ultimate. This value is decreased by 4% per ally you are grouped with, You cannot be healed by anyone but yourself. (1 item) Restore 20% of the damage you deal as Health. While your Magicka is less than 50%, increases your Stamina Recovery by 450. (1 item) While your Stamina is less than 50%, increases your Magicka Recovery by 450. (1 item) Increases your damage done by 16% but decreases your Critical Damage done by 50%. Increases your movement speed by 45% while out of combat. (1 item) Increases your movement speed by 15% while in combat. (1 item) You are immune to Snares and Immobilizations that can be cleansed. Removing Thrassian Stranglers, crouching, or going invisible removes all stacks of Sload's Call. Each stack increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 23, reduce your maximum health by 120, and reduces the effectiveness of your damage shields by 1%. (1 item) Killing an enemy grants you a stack of Sload's Call for 1 hour, up to a maximum of 50 stacks. Blocking an attack from a Blood Cursed enemy restores 1535 Magicka to you. You can only have one Blood Cursed enemy at a time and dealing additional Bash damage moves the Blood Curse. (1 item) Dealing damage with a Bash attack places a persistent, un-cleansable Blood Curse on an enemy.