After her mother's death, her father struggled with their store business and was driven to alcoholism by the stress.
Played straight in this mod for Natsuki.
The game contains examples of following tropes: After this, the story is expanded to cover the rest of the academic year with three distinct stories for Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri. The game comprises three arcs with the first roughly following the same story of the original with MC writing poetry to flatter the girl of his choice and joining one of them for the preparations for the festival at the weekend. She shuns traditional roles but is diligent in her classwork.
Shiori: MC's class rep and close friend of Monika.
Emi: A 100% Genki Girl transfer student who is part of the track team.
She shares MC's sense of humor but is very perceptive and insightful, giving MC valuable advice in his high school crises.
MoMC: MC's unnamed mother who works abroad.
He is MC's homeroom teacher and MC looks up to him as a mentor.
Akechi Sakurai: A relatively young, passionate history teacher with a witty sense of humor that makes him popular with his students.
Monika: Founded the Literature Club, after getting fed up with the Debate Club, as an escape from her tough daily routine.
MC: A snarky Jerk with a Heart of Gold who joined the Literature Club to stop himself from becoming a lonely shut-in.
In addition to the Literature Club, MC is given a proper personality, Monika is changed from her original hidden yandere personality and there are some new characters: The personalities of the Literature Club girls have been greatly expanded beyond the stereotypes presented in the original game and have complex relationships with each other that change depending on who MC falls in love with and the choices he makes. It is technically an eroge with two H scenes but these can be deactivated. The choices MC makes have a significant impact on the mental health and personal life of his chosen partner for better or worse. The main character (simply called "MC" by the mod developers) seeks to woo the club member of his choice while they struggle with their personal issues. It is inspired by Katawa Shoujo's sincere portrayal of disabilities with a variant of Emi appearing as a supporting character. ''Doki Doki Blue Skies'' is a mod which overhauls the Visual Novel Doki Doki Literature Club! into a more conventional experience without the meta horror but maintains a strong focus on mental health.